Etsy Shop: robotically-drawn pen and ink line art

libbyf Art & Fabrication

Falcon42Art is my Etsy Shop. This is where I geek out about: “Bringing historic illustrations back to life with vector-based art and design!” I start with identifying unique and striking historical illustrations from nature, science, technology and philosophy. Each image is then converted to vector-based line art and machine-sketched with pen and ink by my trusty drawing robot (I call her …

Tiny House

libbyf Art & Fabrication

I’ve always loved tiny spaces. The challenge of organizing them for optimal efficiency sets my heart aflutter. That’s why, when I was recently offered the opportunity to live in my own tiny house as part of an experimental project, I was overjoyed to accept. And by “tiny,” I mean tiny! 7ft x 7ft x 7ft, to be exact… My friend and …

The Innovation Village 3D Mockup

libbyf Art & Fabrication

I’ve enjoyed reading about sociology and community design as a pastime since I was a teenager. In 2015 I began working on a concept for “The Innovation Village,” a self-sufficient tiny house community centered around a set of shared community spaces, including an Earthship makerspace. The model includes: Community amenities including pool, tennis courts, makerspace, shared kitchen space, library/coworking space, community …

Maltese Falcon Augmented Reality Project

libbyf Art & Fabrication

Worked with a team to create an augmented reality experienced based around The Pickwick hotel, filming site for The Maltese Falcon, during the Urban Prototyping Makeathon. We also created a full-scale, working version of this experience, but the photos have been lost.