Wisconsin United to Amend (WIUTA) is a social movement organization (SMO) based in Madison, WI that is working to curb the influence of money in politics by demanding a 28th amendment to the Constitution. Like many small SMOs, WIUTA has struggled to leverage digital tools to mobilize its volunteers in the real world. This paper explores the role networks play …
Inequality.Is Twitter Data Visualization
This data visualization was created as part of a large textual analysis of the Inequality.Is interactive documentary. Click “launch project” to visit the live visualization.
Interactive Data Visualization, Employment 2014-2024
Designed using Plot.ly. Data from the BureauĀ of Labor Statistics.
Genius of Marion: Memory Mosaic
Worked with filmmaker Banker White and a team of creative technologists to create interactive online assets for the award-winning documentary The Genius of MarianĀ during the TRIBEC4H4CKS event.